Thursday, January 12, 2006

Life is simple... we complicate it by getting confused.

Probably we all know what is the right path for us... But fear and confusions keep holding us back.

What if, there is no fear and we are bold enough to face life as it comes... will we still take ages to decide which path/way to take?


AlterinG Abhishek said...

I believe its a matrix of various counter acting forces.
Likes of free will on one side and the likes of luck on the other!

and You on the middle

Clueless said...

Hi Abhishek! Matrix was exactly what was in my mind when I posted this.

Raj Beniwal said...

I feel the first person on earth would have done this.. we are privileged to ahve the experiences of others to mould and use..
i know it doesn't answer the question.. but does point towards something less vague :)
PS: everything is relative (tomorrow there'll be another comment and this comment will be redundant)